Funky Features Road Map Policy

Artist Liberation Front

In 1966 a group of San Francisco artists formed an organization for mutual support and direct action against the arts establishment. They called themselves the Artists Liberation Front, a name that reflected their opposition to the United States involvement in the war in South Vietnam, where the Communist insurgents called themselves the National Liberation Front. Rarely do artists collaborate; even more rarely do they collaborate with a political purpose. This synthesis produced far-reaching effects for the growing counterculture and on May 11, a draft "Policy Statement" included:

1. Decentralization of cultural resources

2. An appeal to other artists and culturally active people to join us, and other groups of similar interests, including political social, cultural, and religious groups in a mutual aid society (mutual aid would include an attempt of some kind to provide information on the scene to newcomers)

3. Emphasis on administration in art is misplaced and that the emphasis, energy, and administration should be placed in the hands of the artist, or should be favoring the artist.

4. An organization to protect and promulgate local artists

5. Place the power of administration in the hands of the artist

6. On record against harassment

7. Attempt to organize the artistic community so that a threat to one is a threat to all

8. The people are the judges of the acceptability of Art

9. In regards to the administration of the public property, we employ the administrators, they do not employ us

10. Generally our policy is to defend artists engaged in the practice of Art

11. That this organization encourages indigenous groups to put on the cultural activities in the respective neighborhoods and we encourage them

12. Most artists have no voice or organ to make themselves be heard. this organization constitutes itself as the voice for those that have none.

13. We are the spokespersons for the members of the group we represent to the Civic administration

  • Date

    May 1966

  • ALF


Summer of Love