Funky Features Libra Poster

Timoth Dixon

Timothy Dixon (illustrator of Star Sign Libra) grew up in Northern California aspired to be an artist, by age three he was drawing and by age six he was painting. He continued to follow that path which resulted in an award winning career.

He was born in San Francisco, California on April 6th, 1947. When at four, he was introduced to colors and an easel in kindergarten. The memory is vivid of my teacher being surprised at my first painting with tempera. A landscape, with sky that came all the way down to the ground and trees that weren't just green lollipops.

He started drawing portraits at eleven. At twelve his mother bought him a set of oil paints, some long handled brushes, a wooden box to carry them in, and an aluminum tripod easel so he could begin painting on location, outdoors. He began to paint more often and was mentored by the local oil painters in Petaluma: Elmer Enquist, Lou Barber and E. John Robinson.

A 18, hemoved to the Mendocino Coast and continued to paint in oils. Then at twenty one, he began designing Rock ∓ Roll posters for Golden Star Presents based in Santa Rosa. Designing all their promotional advertising graphics for about two years. He designed posters for the Jefferson Airplane, Steppenwolf, Janis Joplin, Iron Butterfly and the Grateful Dead, among others.

He turned 75 years old in April of 2022, and is still painting plein air and in the studio everyday.

More groovy stuff at... Timothy David Dixon